In honor of:

  • Aditya Kumar - Age 4 - no more in this world
  • Baby Raza - Close Relative of Muneem Shaik
  • Kirsten Laidlaw - Team in Training Honoree
  • Lettie Butler - Late Mother-in-Law of Yasser Dessouky
  • Patty Gabon - The Smiling Factory - My Colleague
  • Vera Hoge - Survivor Mother of Brent Hoge

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

REM Sleep

Thursday June 28, 2007

After experimenting 6:00am training several times in the morning - I've come to a firm decision! Early morning does NOT work for me. When my alarm tries its best to wake me up - I am always in the 'Stage 4' of all the possible stages of sleep. It is described as "Stage 4: Mostly made up of slow brain waves (delta waves). The entire body is deeply relaxed. This is the hardest stage from which to wake."

Running at the hour that God designed for resting puts me in a totally different stage. " REM Sleep: is known for irregular and rapid breathing, constant eye movement and temporary paralysis of muscles. There is an increase in blood pressure and heart rate."

And here I am sitting at work writing these abnormal words. Message to everyone at work: On Thursdays, don't come bothering me before 11:00am.

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