In honor of:

  • Aditya Kumar - Age 4 - no more in this world
  • Baby Raza - Close Relative of Muneem Shaik
  • Kirsten Laidlaw - Team in Training Honoree
  • Lettie Butler - Late Mother-in-Law of Yasser Dessouky
  • Patty Gabon - The Smiling Factory - My Colleague
  • Vera Hoge - Survivor Mother of Brent Hoge

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Goodbye Muscles!

July 27, 2007

Now would be an appropriate time for all of you to congratulate a wonderful person - ok to cut the crap, I'm talking about myself.
I have successfully reached half of my target -
I've crossed the 50% barrier. It has been such an experience – almost felt like crossing "the sound barrier".

Getting money feels so good - Every now and then, there is a temptation to keep it all in my pocket. However, getting money comes with its own disadvantage. It feels like I deliberately and helplessly need to be nice to the donors. For example - my boss was very generous in his donation and now its extremely hard for me to say "no" when he asks me to work overnight (of course he offered the sleeping bag!). That was just a joke Boss!

Yesterday was the first hill run day - if you ask me, it was
more of the hill and less of the run. Luckily there were few others who found the hills overwhelming in nature.
At the night time I celebrated the farewell - all I said to myself was
"Goodbye muscles!”

1 comment:

Unknown said...

i used 'nubile ' as in the right age/time for some initiation etc. that was the idea initially but now i regret that i choose that word.
it hardly connotes what i originally meant bt speaks volume abt the OTHER meanings that u r hinting at ;-)