In honor of:

  • Aditya Kumar - Age 4 - no more in this world
  • Baby Raza - Close Relative of Muneem Shaik
  • Kirsten Laidlaw - Team in Training Honoree
  • Lettie Butler - Late Mother-in-Law of Yasser Dessouky
  • Patty Gabon - The Smiling Factory - My Colleague
  • Vera Hoge - Survivor Mother of Brent Hoge

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Maintaining a 6:1 ratio

July 29, 2007

Today my goal was to run 8 miles – with around 7 more weeks training, I should be Okay. I started off with broad shoulders, heavy with pride bragging myself away but running with peers had its own extended perks as I ended up doing 4 more – YES! I ran 12 miles today. And my broken bones can validate the fact. Simply Miraculous!

All through the run, the key is to maintain your pace. Our formula is to maintain a 6:1 ratio - running for 6 minutes and walking for 1. I am so glad I maintained the same ratio towards the end as well – I walked for 6 minutes and ran for 1.

The destination from where we were to take a U-turn was a beautiful water-fall. I would say the whole 12 miles were adventurous and a perfect mixture of hiking & running – not that I want to go there again – at least not till I get amnesia and forget the torture my bones went through – trust me! The run was hard. Even if my heart wants to be there – I would never betray my darling bones.

Motherhood is a beauty in itself. Exactly how a mother forgets all her pain, as soon as her little angel smiles at her and touches her skin – I forget all of my muscular pains at the very sight of the most awaited - bagels, strawberries, cookies, and muffins.

Goodbye Muscles!

July 27, 2007

Now would be an appropriate time for all of you to congratulate a wonderful person - ok to cut the crap, I'm talking about myself.
I have successfully reached half of my target -
I've crossed the 50% barrier. It has been such an experience – almost felt like crossing "the sound barrier".

Getting money feels so good - Every now and then, there is a temptation to keep it all in my pocket. However, getting money comes with its own disadvantage. It feels like I deliberately and helplessly need to be nice to the donors. For example - my boss was very generous in his donation and now its extremely hard for me to say "no" when he asks me to work overnight (of course he offered the sleeping bag!). That was just a joke Boss!

Yesterday was the first hill run day - if you ask me, it was
more of the hill and less of the run. Luckily there were few others who found the hills overwhelming in nature.
At the night time I celebrated the farewell - all I said to myself was
"Goodbye muscles!”

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Fundraising is not just collection of money; it's a realization

July 18, 2007

Till date, I have emailed 117 people including 3 huge groups of several people. I surprised myself that I actually knew 117 people all this time? - This was my first realization. I can still think of another hundred - my second realization. Out of these - 31 people have already donated - My third and the biggest realization.

I take this as an opportunity to find out people across the nation and this world who do care about me; so many people who are putting their faith in me - having their hopes high. When I started, I thought I am doing this for myself - then it became a cancer related issue - but now when I think of this - I know that I'm doing it for myself, for people who are dying of cancer and for people who have donated part of their salaries for the cause…

All you people are just wonderful - many who I see at work but never had talked with, many who taught me engineering 2 years ago, many who I thought didn't actually like me, and many who I know don't have enough money… Giving away something that you could have easily used on your leisure is not easy - and you are all winners...

Monday, July 23, 2007

Wharf to Wharf Race

I cheated.

NO! I didn’t choose to watch ‘The Cosby Show’ instead. I didn’t load up on New York Super Fudge by Ben n Jerry’s either. I did run. But, I ran where I wasn’t supposed to.

Santa Cruz Wharf to Wharf Race – Everyone seemed to be making a big noise about last Sunday. I had been trying so hard to keep up with all the top-2007 events, I didn’t even notice about some local ones. The event was completely ‘sold out’.

In full dismay – I got up early in the morning – (well dismay because I wasn’t registered and more because I had to get up really early in the morning for an event I wasn’t registered for) – hoping to at least cheer the lucky ones and probably run on the beach.

What I saw a little later is what I am a little ashamed of but I have already forgiven myself for that. On my left and on my right were runners – few of the 15000 runners. There were 40 live bands – some young crazy people and some old crazy people singing to the tunes of plain utter noise which at the time proved to be phenomenal – helped in maintaining the momentum. YES! – I joined the registered runners with absolutely no registration.

Luckily I was not the only one. In any other organized event – there are no chances but this one was a little different. How could I tell? There were guys with beach shorts, girls with ‘bebe’ tops and old ladies out for their early morning walks. The number
‘15000’ is a little hard to keep a check on. Most of all – there were bibs missing on a lot of them. Overall – there could have been 5000 extra’s. Alright – I did a pathetic thing but you can’t say I missed my run!

The track of 10 kilometers went through the residential area and so it was a picnic day for all who made a bold decision to stay home on a sunny day – people gathered in their porch and lawns with their extended families enjoying a nice afternoon with barbeque & beer. It was a sun-screen day.

I cheated but let me confess – I absolutely loved it.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Training is not easy

Wednesday - July 11, 2007

Yesterday I had to take 4 rounds of a regular 1/4 mile track. I felt good and very healthy. Later, to my amazement I found out that it was only, what it's called - 'warm up'. The actual training was just about to begin.

9 never-ending rounds of the same track with much faster pace took out the last air left in my arteries... Running the first one was acceptable...3rd and 4th seemed problematic....then the 7th seemed almost equivalent to getting the customer/vendor to do something they should have in the first place, in short words, impossible. At that time - the only way to keep myself running was to imagine things very close to my heart - delicious food, long hot bath...chocolate cookies with icecream....and I finally finished my last one daydreaming...

During every training session I curse myself, "Why the hell did I take up this training? - Who was the idiot who forced me into it?". At the end of every training session I realize - this is absolutely nothing compared to knowing at the age of 5 that you have cancer. My honoree, Kirsten Laidlaw is 16 and runs with all of us. She herself is preparing for the Maui Half-Marathon as well. I plan to write a small article on her very soon.

So finally the end of the training was here and I was ready to go home. Or atleast what I thought was the end.

The end appeared to be just the beginning - of incessant push ups, crunches, and core strength exercises…

6:15 pm to 9:00 pm could have been a long time for me to utilize effectively as well as productively - I could have slept peacefully.

Smelly Cells

Friday July 13, 2007

Every cell in my body smells… ok! That wasn’t a good start. I meant it smells of flour, white sugar, brown sugar, and lots of chocolate chips/butterscotch chips/peanut butter chips.

I made “THIRTY TWO” cookie-jars today. And I swear to God – I will beat the shit out of any person who offers me any. It is very good for my diet – at least for 32 days, there is no cookie to be near my belly.

REM Sleep

Thursday June 28, 2007

After experimenting 6:00am training several times in the morning - I've come to a firm decision! Early morning does NOT work for me. When my alarm tries its best to wake me up - I am always in the 'Stage 4' of all the possible stages of sleep. It is described as "Stage 4: Mostly made up of slow brain waves (delta waves). The entire body is deeply relaxed. This is the hardest stage from which to wake."

Running at the hour that God designed for resting puts me in a totally different stage. " REM Sleep: is known for irregular and rapid breathing, constant eye movement and temporary paralysis of muscles. There is an increase in blood pressure and heart rate."

And here I am sitting at work writing these abnormal words. Message to everyone at work: On Thursdays, don't come bothering me before 11:00am.

14% done

Thursday June 21, 2007

This would be my first attempt in fundraising. Asking people for money is the first thing that comes to mind. There are so many other creative ideas. POKER PARTY... WINE TASTING... anything that has either party or alcohol associated with it - I'm so IN. Well! Alcohol bcoz it's simply irresistible and party bcoz it indirectly connects to alcohol.

Damn! How am I going to survive without a single drop!

It's evolving but painfully slow...

Sunday June 17, 2007

I'm enjoying tennis. It serves the purpose of adding 2-day cross-training to my schedule. But most importantly, it keeps my Dad happy.

Backhand is still a problem. It's hard to analyze how far, how quick do I need to be from the ball. I guess I underestimated Monica Seles.

Learning tennis for me would prove Darwin's point - 'SLOW EVOLUTION'

It was a relay...

Wednesday June 13, 2007

I reached late on Tuesday - it was the first organized speed run on the track. I thought I'll continuously run on the track for 3 miles or so but what I saw there took me by surprise. Around 50 runners stood at one point and the other 50 stood at the opposite. 33 teams were made of 3 people each. At any point in time, there was one team member at each point and the third one was running.

It was a relay. Every time, all we had to run was 1/8th of a mile - but we had to run at our fastest speed and do it 16 times. It was tiring but it was fun.

My Dad's Desperation

Monday June 11, 2007

15 years ago, my Dad started Tennis and every morning he tried bribing me, "I'll let you drive the car for the last 10 minutes if you wake up and play little tennis." It was freaking 05:30 in the morning. Obviously - that didn't work. I was 10 and what brought me the most happiness at the time was to take a healthy 15 hour sleep.

Now - 15 years later, he wants to give it another try.

Challenge yet to be discovered

Saturday June 9, 2007

My first run – it ended before I felt its beginning. Maintaining a 2-minute run with 1-minute walk was just pure fun – the challenge is yet to be discovered. But yes! I have started it and this time I plan to add a lot more discipline. If not for me, I owe it to all my sponsors.

Becoming Angelina Jolie

Saturday June 2, 2007

And early one morning, there I stood in front of Hotel S carrying an early morning fragrance. The kick-off meeting did what it was trained to do – gave me full momentum to go forward and raise some money for people who are about to die – perhaps try and save one of a million. This time it was different – before it was just taking a step forward on the road; this time it was taking a step into doing some good, giving back to the society, and supporting complete strangers. This was my opportunity to be a celebrity like Angelina Jolie, only a lot bigger (only regards with size).

Jack was about to die 9 years ago. And just yesterday he gave away his daughter at her beautiful blossoming wedding. He cried.

Stride on Stride

Sunday May 20, 2007

I had been longing for the fresh wind that blows against your face while you are trying to take long strides, taking one step at a time as you can easily expect yourself lying flat on the floor the very next step. I had been missing the core feeling of when you finally cross the finish line – the rest of the day you are just praising yourself.

Last year, I did add 3 Half-Marathons in my ‘have-completed’ list but forgot to add regularity and discipline into my running calendar. This year, I need just a little bit more of inspiration; perhaps add a cause and not just the reason.

Deep down inside, everyone knows the exact reasons for their actions, words, and behavior. In my case – I knew that in order to get back to exercise, all I need is a big-ass KICK on my rear end. I forced myself to spend money one more time at an informational meeting – a perfect poke yoke.