In honor of:

  • Aditya Kumar - Age 4 - no more in this world
  • Baby Raza - Close Relative of Muneem Shaik
  • Kirsten Laidlaw - Team in Training Honoree
  • Lettie Butler - Late Mother-in-Law of Yasser Dessouky
  • Patty Gabon - The Smiling Factory - My Colleague
  • Vera Hoge - Survivor Mother of Brent Hoge

Thursday, September 20, 2007

It's all finally done!

September 20, 2007

So there I embark upon the finish line thinking "My God! It's only 08:10am - I just finished a Half-Marathon and yet! I'm still freaking sleepy!"

I apologize but somehow my memory is not very fresh. I don't really remember when I got up, when I put on my running shoes, when exactly did I start running, and when did I go through all the pain? Feels like it all happened in a dream.

So yes! I proudly present, "I raised $3900 for Leukemia & Lymphoma Society!"
And not just that…I also "Finished a Half-Marathon" and "Had a fantastic Hawaiian Vacation
" - all in one.

My Thank-You blog will follow later - right now I'm still flying in Hawaiian clouds.

1 comment:

spyD said...

I think running for a cause takes the charity out of it when u luk into mirrors few days after and attribute ur coming into shape to that marathon (or half-marathon)

Was just kiddin' there i appreciate your efforts......kudos!