In honor of:

  • Aditya Kumar - Age 4 - no more in this world
  • Baby Raza - Close Relative of Muneem Shaik
  • Kirsten Laidlaw - Team in Training Honoree
  • Lettie Butler - Late Mother-in-Law of Yasser Dessouky
  • Patty Gabon - The Smiling Factory - My Colleague
  • Vera Hoge - Survivor Mother of Brent Hoge

Friday, September 28, 2007

Raised $3900 for Leukemia & Lymphoma Society

September 25, 2007

$3900 is a lot of money! Many a times I thought…why not run with all this money (not run the half-marathon with the money - but run away!) and buy 10 pairs of gorgeous shoes? But then I thought of some unfortunate people - who can survive for probably more than a year on this money…how many children can be provided good education… how much hunger can this eradicate… it can probably even help cure someone's disease...even if it can improve a life of just one person - well! My motive is done. And so I put back my hand from the pocket to the "LLS" envelope.

Not only did I get an opportunity to give, but also to meet people with cancer, and to meet people who give so much…they are just another race of humans...

This is the first time in my life that I have done something big for someone other than my own self. And I did it with full realization and perseverence.

The only thing I have to say is that I don't want my first time to be my last time - the art of giving is in itself a "pleasure"…

and the journey is just beginning...

1 comment:

AR said...

good job. don't tell me you play table tennis [:o). wowowowow. how about a game. :P